Child's Play
As we are used to with Sabre dacs we can choose from no less than seven filters but as you know by now we at Alpha are not fans of these choices. They only result in more stress, you know. Do you choose the standard filter or take the time to go through them all once but then stick to it.
Yes, there are minute differences but we only heard them on our ATCs. You are not going to get a warm, full, rather “analog” sound, let that be clear. Each filter gets a graph that visually represents the filter which is a nice feature for those who want to know.
Remarkable is the high user-friendliness of this device. The menu and the settings are particularly intuitive and the graphic support of the interface is first class. Each item has an icon and even a digital illiterate can get this device to work without any problems. Worthy of Apple, so to speak.
The rotary knob not only works as a digital volume control but it also gives you access to the menu On the back is a small button that gives access to a second menu. In this menu you can enter all your settings for wifi or filters, for example. Even choosing a different i2s standard is possible. Impressive, especially when you consider that this device is well under 1000 euros.
To complete the picture, there is the excellent remote control. It is beautifully made, not too big, not too small, fits perfectly in the hand and has just enough buttons.