About Alpha-Audio?

Alpha Audio is a website about music hi-fi and high-end audio. It was founded in 2007. In 2020 the English version was published. 

Alpha Audio was founded in 2007 as the successor of Audiofreak. In August 2012 we started writing reviews, background stories and news full time. The team has since expanded, with us now working with a loyal core team of audio veterans.

In 2020 the English version was published. That was a huge success. So much so, that we decided to merge the Dutch and English version. That was done in may 2023, together with a large restyle of the website.


All the authors at Alpha Audio have a specialty. Or an area they focus on. This gives reviews much more depth and value. After all: the frame of reference is much broader and has more depth than if this were not the case.

It is important to realize that reviews will always be subjective. They are, after all, opinions. That opinion is based on a solid foundation, but it is and will always be an opinion and that is subjective.

Some reviews are supplemented with measurements. Measurements are of course objective, but they never paint the whole picture. For example, measurements say nothing about musicality. However, they can say something about the design choices as well as reveal questionable specifications.

Measurements at Alpha Audio will never be decisive in a score or judgment. It’s always about balance.

Measurement and research

We are doing more and more research at Alpha Audio. These studies try to establish connections between measurements and listening tests. In this way we try to find out what is causing the differences in sound or quality.

Examples of large-scale research are the ‘switch test’ in which we wanted to investigate the influence of network switches on playback quality. Or the interlink and speaker cable test, in which we wanted to investigate the measurability of cables. We also do regular research on power conditioners or power supplies.


You will never find advertorials or other bought or sponsored reviews (reviews, tests) on this website. Alpha Audio is 100 percent content independent.

Of course we do have advertisers. After all, we also have to make revenue to cover costs. Think of: rent, hosting, travel costs, website development, lab equipment, et cetera.

Live Streams

Alpha Audio broadcasts a monthly live stream. In these livestream reviews we discuss a number of products. This way you can see how we work ánd you can listen in yourself. To our knowledge, this is unique in the industry.

The reason we started with live-stream reviews is that we always want to work 100% transparent.