Monday, January 13, 2025
Home Xindak XF-2000ES Power Conditioner

Xindak XF-2000ES Power Conditioner



  • Tranquillity
  • Slim design
  • Build quality
  • Polarity control


  • Not neutral
  • Sensitive to power supply cable
  • Not cheap, not expensive

Price: € 649

Build quality
Xindak XF-2000ES

Set-up and Installation


Xindak XF-2000ES

The Xindak XF-2000ES is supplied without a cable. We received a Xindak FP-Silver cable ( € 349,- ). This turns out to be important, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! We plug the Xindak cable into the Power Conditioner and connect the equipment to the power strip on top of the conditioner.

  • Naim XS2 integrated amplifier
  • Naim ND5XS streamer with DAC
  • Naim standard DIN interlink
  • Audio Physic Spark II speakers
  • Ricable Dedalus speaker cable
  • Cisco SF110D-05-EU switch with iFi PowerX power supply
  • Belden Catsnake Cat5e ethernet cable.

Playlists used: pop/rock playlist and classical music


No more guessing with polarity

The little bump on the front turns out to house a nice feature that helps when installing the power conditioner. You see, in our hi-fi world, it matters how you connect the power cables / devices. They need to be in phase. We also call this (in Dutch) the ‘poling’ of the device. Incidentally, this is only important with linear power supplies. With a switching power supply it is not important.

How does it work with this Xindak? Well: you plug in all the equipment, you turn on the Xindak XF-2000ES and then you touch the metal bump on the front with your finger. The red LED will either come on or not. Turn the device off, flip the ‘polarity’ switch on the back and turn the device back on. If you touch the hump again the LED light will come on if it was not on before and vice versa.

If the light is on, is it right or wrong? We associate the color red with ‘wrong’, but the manual doesn’t tell you anything about it. So we test it with our ears. If the light is red, then the polarity is right. You’ll hear a much fuller and richer sound. Turning the plug 180 degrees in the socket has the same effect as turning the switch on the back. Very handy and useful feature!

Type test
Single Test
Accessory type
Energy filter / regenerator
Suitable for
  • Sources (Low current)
  • Amplifiers (High current)
Number of connections
Maximum load
  • 2500 watt
  • 10 Ampere