The measurements
The Bowers & Wilkins 705 S2 Signature is without question a Bowers & Wilkins. We measure the signature Bowers response with a bump that starts at 6 kHz and ends at 15 kHz. It provides extra air. Off axis, the bump is a bit lower. Especially at the listening position. Then it’s still quite visible but a bit milder. We advise a bit of toe-in, but not to much.
The distortion (THD) is extremely low. At 60 Hz we measure – straight from the front at 1 meter – already less than 1%. The Bowers 705 S2 Signature dives without problems under the -65 dB which comes down to -0.06%. Unprecedented. Really very good. Impressive.
Our conclusion: a speaker with a signature that is technically very well build.