Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Home Review Mark Levinson 5805 integrated amplifier – Full body

Review Mark Levinson 5805 integrated amplifier – Full body



  • Very nice, large stereo image
  • Many connection options
  • Very nicely built


  • Tad warm in the bass area
  • Web interface could be better

Price: € 11490

Build quality
Mark Levinson 5805

Measurements and conclusion



Measurements Mark Levinson 5805

DAC board measurements

Mark Levinson did not go for “ultra-tight” measurements. That’s immediately obvious. Like a brand like Pass Labs, a balance has been struck between low noise floor, feedback and smoothness and detail in the reproduction. Lots of feedback makes for nice measurements, but also often makes for a somewhat drier presentation. Although it seems that Mark Levinson does use more feedback than Nelson Pass in his designs (fewer “harmonics” in the measurements). However, the damping factor is between 70 and 80 which is quite low. The X150.8 has a damping factor of around 200.

The vester shows a noise floor of around -110dB. At the end of the measurement – around 80 kHz – we see a bump in the noise. This can also be seen in the power supply measurement. That bump ticks the -90dB on the vertical scale. It looks like switching noise from a chip that can be measured through both the speaker output and pre-out as well as the power supply. The question is how audible it is, of course. It is still low and it is at 80 kHz.

In terms of distortion and power delivery, we have no comments. That’s just fine. Distortion is low – even within the first watt – and power comes out just fine in both 8 and 4 ohms. We encountered no problems while measuring. Also striking is how even the channels are. Without doubt, that gives calmness and richness to the stereo image!

The dac is also nicely implemented. We measured via AES input and the pre-out in this test. Response is nicely straight throughout. Crosstalk is around -90dB. The linearity measurement shows that from -110dB / -115dB the dac picks up. That’s neat for an integrated dac. It is extremely difficult to get better measurements than this in an integrated model.


Mark Levinson puts out a very impressive amplifier with the No 5805. It is an amplifier that has many fine points. The build quality is particularly good to begin with. In addition, the stereo image that this American puts down is large ... very, very big. You also have a lot of connectivity choices. Vinyl? No problem. Digital sources? No problem. Bluetooth? Might as well. Line inputs? Sure! The only thing perhaps missing is an integrated streamer. Anyway: we forgive it for that, because it sounds so very good. On the TAD Evolution 2 sometimes a little too warm for our taste, but that's pretty easy to get under control. Or perhaps grab a slightly tighter speaker - a Revel perhaps? - and build an up beat party with that combo. Beautiful device!
Amplifier type
Amplifier technology
Class AB
Amplifier inputs
  • Analog RCA
  • Analog XLR
  • Analog Phono MM
  • Analog Phono MC
  • Digital Coaxial
  • Digital Optical
  • Digital USB
  • Digital AES
  • Bluetooth
Amplifier outputs
  • Analog RCA
Specification #1
  • Resistance: 8 ohm
  • Value specified: 125 watt
  • Value measured: 112 watt
Specification #2
  • Resistance: 4 ohm
  • Value specified: 0 watt
  • Value measured: 161 watt
  • Width: 44 cm
  • Depth: 51 cm
  • Height: 15 cm
Weight amplifier
28 Kg
Build in dac
Production country
Mark Levinson 5805 - THD vs Freq
Mark Levinson 5805 - THD vs Freq
Mark Levinson 5805 - coaxial response
Mark Levinson 5805 - coaxial response
Mark Levinson 5805 - crosstalk
Mark Levinson 5805 - crosstalk
Mark Levinson 5805 - Dac freq response
Mark Levinson 5805 - Dac freq response
Mark Levinson 5805 - Dac lineairiteit
Mark Levinson 5805 - Dac lineairiteit
Mark Levinson 5805 - DAC Noise - Interference
Mark Levinson 5805 - DAC Noise - Interference
Mark Levinson 5805 - Jtest
Mark Levinson 5805 - Jtest
Mark Levinson 5805 - gridnoise
Mark Levinson 5805 - gridnoise
ML 5805 - power 4 Ohm
ML 5805 - power 4 Ohm
ML 5805 - 1 watt freq response
ML 5805 - 1 watt freq response
ML 5805 - 1 watt over 8 Ohm
ML 5805 - 1 watt over 8 Ohm
ML 5805 - 1 watt residu
ML 5805 - 1 watt residu
ML 5805 - 1 watt THD
ML 5805 - 1 watt THD
ML 5805 - 10 watt - 8 Ohm
ML 5805 - 10 watt - 8 Ohm
ML 5805 - power 8 Ohm
ML 5805 - power 8 Ohm

Winkels met Mark Levinson

Sint-Antoniusstraat 15
2300 Turnhout, BE
Joseph Bensstraat 21
1180 Ukkel, BE
Hooikade 13
2627 Delft, Zuid Holland, NL
Bredabaan 1031
B-2930 Brasschaat, BE
Pelikaanstraat 126
2018 Antwerpen, BE