Home Personal Audio Headphones Apple AirPods Max: fix for draining battery

Apple AirPods Max: fix for draining battery

Apple AirPods Max: fix for draining battery

Apple’s expensive and sophisticated AirPods Max is undoubtedly a headphone in the better class. But it’s not flawless… so it appears.

Some of the users of the Apple AirPods Max headphones complained about the fact that their batteries were actually drained during an overnight charge. This was due to a software bug for which a fix has now appeared in the form of a firmware update. It prevents an extremely unpleasant scenario: you put the headphones in the charging case at night, assuming that you can enjoy some mobile music the next morning. The opposite is true when you wake up: the headphones are completely empty. This is because the headphones did not switch to low power mode as they should have. Sometimes this happened after 18 hours, which is not very convenient.

Fresh firmware update

With the new firmware update released by Apple, the AirPods Max behaves as it should again. After a maximum of half an hour, it switches to low power mode and refuels the battery nicely during a charging session. That saves some stress and makes for a happier morning for many.
