Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Home Home Cinema - Custom Install Disney Plus is also going to moderate quality

Disney Plus is also going to moderate quality

Disney Plus is also going to moderate quality

As we wrote before, the many home sitters put a heavy load on the internet thanks to streaming. Disney Plus is now also a little less sharp.

The European Union wants streaming services (especially videostreamers) to moderate their bandwidth. Necessary because of the many home users and workers due to the corona crisis. We reported this earlier, but the restriction is now active. Meanwhile, the list of low(er) quality streaming providers has expanded considerably. Every big name – including Netflix, Apple+, Amazon Prime and YouTube – have been scaled back. Disney Plus has now been added to the list. You can forget about 4K streaming for the time being. Practically, HD appears to be just achievable. But whether even this will be the case, is of course to wait and see. The more homeworkers there are, the more bandwidth is needed. Add to that an army of pupils and students who will eventually have to get back to their schoolwork and use tools such as Zoom and Teams for it. There too, an essential part will consist of video communication.

For now 30 days

By now, there seems to be a good chance that the tension on the Internet will continue for some time. The virus will most likely not disappear after the summer and the availability of a vaccine by then is also doubtful. So we will have to remain cautious. And also careful with resources, in which streaming in the highest resolutions and image quality is no longer a priority. For the time being, however, the quality limitation in Europe will be maintained for 30 days, after which it will be reconsidered. For the new Disney Plus it’s one major dissapointment, as the service was launched this week in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Austria.
