Push Pull
We started the test with Push Pull tube amplifiers. This is a technology where one tube amplifies the top of the sine-wave and the other tube handles the bottom of the sine-wave. Kind of class B with transistor amps. This technology has the advantage that there is more power. More ‘kick’ and more control. However, as with transistor amplifiers, it’s difficult to get the two tubes to work together perfectly. With transistors, it creates crossover distortion. In fact, so do tubes. Now manufacturers are getting better and better at handling this kind of distortion, and there are countless solutions to eliminate it. Let’s just see how the first candidates perform.
Ayon Spirit V
Mafico sends in the Austrian Ayon Audio Spirit V. This impressive looking amplifier is allowed to kick off the test. At just under 6000 euros, this amplifier falls in between everything. Four KT150 tubes should provide two times 70 watts. There’s a Triode and a Penthode mode on the Ayon. It’s up to you which sounds better. We’ve played in triode mode.
The Ayon immediately comes across as very spacious and detailed. It is a fine sound that attracts attention and gives character to the music. Everyone notices the space in the image; there is really a lot of air. In addition, the Ayon effortlessly shows the difference between our sources, which shows that it is a pretty detailed amplifier. The energetic character can make long sessions maybe a bit tiring. But that can also be the combination with the Blumenhofer Classic 1722 loudspeaker; they are horn models, although these horns are far from sharp. Incidentally, your editor likes the energy. Listening to music should be an experience…?
All in all, the Ayon Spirit V leaves a good impression. Beautiful product.
KR Audio V950
The KR Audio VA 950 is a world first. Here’s a thank you to Musical Reality. This hybrid – a Class A transistor pre-amp – has four KT 150 tubes that deliver up to 100 watts. A powerhouse! And that’s audible: what a control in the bass this Czech KR Audio realizes! The tautness helps of course with tracks like Jacques Loussier. The kick drum peels like a real punch! Also with Trentemoller the bass goes unprecedented deep. Very impressive. We do miss something of the air that the Ayon does have. It can be the ‘novelty’ of the amplifier. Transistor must also burn in of course.
All in all we agreed that this is an amplifier with a lot of control and tightness, but it does not have the 3D image that the Ayon Spirit V does offer. It will definitely be an amplifier that someone can listen to for a very long time, also because of the calmness and control it offers.
Great Luna EVO 400 pre / power
Then the Prima Luna EVO 400 pre/ power combination. It is sort of the rebound of the “Dutch” Prima Luna. Because in fact this test is somewhat organised because the EVO-100 tube amplifier did not come into its own in the previous amplifier test. Our mistake. And the fact that importer More Music now sends in another amplifier, testifies to guts and confidence in the brand.
And rightly so. Because damn… this is something else! The EVO-400 does indeed go for revenge … that’s obvious. What a large stereo-image and what an energy we hear now. With 9200 euros for the pre/power, this is definitely one of the most expensive (the KR Audio is just a bit more expensive), but that is certainly audible. It is a mix of the space of the Ayon and the power of the KR Audio. Best of both worlds? Probably. However, we still need to include cables: 2 x a mains cable and an interlink. So if we are very honest, the Prima Luna is the most expensive in the test. Doesn’t alter the fact that it just plays top-notch and we all agree this is the best we heard so far.
What the Prima Luna achieves very well, is to draw the listener into the music. It is entertainment with a lot of insight into the music. It will be the combination of space and control and fluidity. All in all, a very fine duo that has left a very positive impression. Mission Accomplished!