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iPad: useful or past its time?

iPad: useful or past its time?

The iPad – and the tablet in general – remains a point of contention. Does it benefit you or not? Now that sales are down a bit, the discussion is flaring up again…

For one part of humanity, the tablet is a blessing; another part looks at it disdainfully. Very soon – possibly already happening as you read this – Apple is launching a new series of iPads. At the same time, it is becoming clear that the same iPad is being replaced less and less frequently. Is that because they are becoming less popular or simply because of the fact that they simply last much longer? It’s not very clear, but we’re guessing the latter. After all, the most recent generations of iPads feature an M1 or M2 SoC. At least, the all-rounder Air and also the Pro. For most users, that’s a bit of overkill. Which means that an M1 iPad from a few years ago can still last for years to come.

For consuming media only?

That immediately brings us to the next “point of contention. The iPad is still seen as a device for consuming media. And significantly less for creating content. Professional users know better. You can use it to edit video or sound, for example. You can also use it to set up a presentation on the train or calculate a spreadsheet. For typing chunks of text, connect a keyboard and possibly a mouse. In addition, this set-up lends itself perfectly to modern working. Because yes: there is still a group of traditional office workers who cannot say goodbye to traditional office software and its inevitable templates. But ‘the new way of working’ is growing rapidly.


The reality is, digital content creators work almost exclusively through a CMS. And that is accessed through a Web browser. You can even access it with a smart TV. Also, modern work often consists of a mix of consuming content and creating new content from it. A tablet is ideally suited for that. With an external monitor, it works absolutely fine. And if you are a music and (or) movie lover: the tablet is your best friend! In short: this type of device will not disappear quickly (or at least we hope so). Whether it makes sense to release a new iPad every year? Well, that’s another discussion. But that discussion can also be held about many other devices..
